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jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

My conception of science

Once you set a theme or concept there are several ways to approach the teaching of it.
Personally, I consider appropriate to develop teaching strategies based on a model of conceptual change because this way the concept really can be assimilated.
A strategy based on conceptual change involves considering the previous ideas of students.
To change previous wrong ideas we need a methodology in which they figure out this ideas are not true actually. We force to face up situacions which these wrong concepts don't solve the problem and it's here when the new right concepts appear.This is the start to make change.
The teacher plays a key role in the process of teaching. They should not introduce concepts already finished or abstract but they should encourage them with a spirit of inquiry and guide them to construct knowledge.
It is necessary to take into account the student context in which this process takes place.
The teacher must be able to transcend the abstract idea of science to be applied in the day-by-day situations. Science should be used as a tool to understand the world around us and not as a set of abstract knowledge.

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