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domingo, 29 de julio de 2012

Theory of meaningful learning of Ausubel:

For a long time thought that learning was synonymous with behavior change, this, because prevailing behaviorist perspective of educational work, but it can be said with certainty that human learning goes beyond a simple change of behavior leads to a change in the meaning of experience.

Educational psychology tries to explain the nature of learning in the classroom and the factors that influence these psychological foundations provide the principles for teachers to discover for themselves the most effective teaching methods, since trying to find means by "trial and wrong "is a blind procedure and therefore unnecessarily difficult and uneconomical (Ausubel: 1983).

Ausubel suggests that student learning depends on prior cognitive structure that relates to the new information, is meant by "cognitive structure", the set of concepts, ideas that an individual has in a particular field of knowledge and its organization .

In the process of learning orientation is vital to know the student's cognitive structure, not just about knowing how much information you have, but what are the driving concepts and propositions and their degree of stability.


The most amazing part of the human body

The brain

It's amazing the ability of the human brain that receives information from the outside world through the sensory system, which we receive through the senses and keep in our memory.
It is remarkable that the brain is capable of keeping information and bring it to light only when the person needs it.
Another great function that has the brain is to send instructions to cuepro through the motor system. This is responsible for making the whole body to function.
Finally the brain also controls how fast or as slow the heart has to go through the homeostatic system.

Story about the discovery of the atom

descubrimiento del atomo    The discovery of the atom was a very slow development.
    Democritus was the first to say that matter is composed of atoms, and that they were indivisible.
    Dalton later, in 1803 launched his atomic theory of matter. It said that all known matter is made up of atoms, and these were the smallest that could divide the matter is, they were indivisible.

I leave the link of a video so you can see the discovery of the atom and have developed different theories to the course of history.


jueves, 5 de julio de 2012

Chemestry s Nobel Prize 2011

Dan Shechtman was awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemestry in 2011 by having proposed the quasicrystals theory. This fact has changed the way of understanding the solid structure.
Next I introduce a picture of quasicrystals, a paragraph of the official Nobel Prize page and its link.
I hope you will enjoy it.

"In quasicrystals, we find the fascinating mosaics of the Arabic world reproduced at the level of atoms: regular patterns that never repeat themselves. However, the configuration found in quasicrystals was considered impossible, and Dan Shechtman had to fight a fierce battle against established science. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2011 has fundamentally altered how chemists conceive of solid matter."
